We're two cat brothers who live in a little house in Bloomington, Indiana. You can also follow us on Facebook! Welcome to our blog!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Your Tuesday Tonkinese
Hello friends! Yesterday our Mom did some gardening on our front porch. I kept an eye on her through the screen door. My Mom thinks the screen door makes me look like a Tortie.
What do you think? She got this photo from Google Images to TRY to prove her point.

Mom, we think you need to find a job soon. You're losing it!
Happy Tuesday friends!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Mancat Monday
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Photo Hunt: Fresh
Hello friends! Today's PhotoHunt theme is FRESH. According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of FRESH is: to look very good (in relation to clothes, cars, bling, and style)
Example: "Ray, you're lookin' fresh tonight!!"or "Hey Busby, don't touch my fresh-self!"
Do you think I look FRESH in my hat?
What's your take on today's Photo Hunt theme? And if you aren't playing Photo Hunt, what are you up to today? Hope whatever you are doing, you are keeping it FRESH! Peace! Raymond

Leave us the link to your blog this this McLinky!
Example: "Ray, you're lookin' fresh tonight!!"or "Hey Busby, don't touch my fresh-self!"
Do you think I look FRESH in my hat?
Leave us the link to your blog this this McLinky!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Frootbat Friday Flashback
Happy FROOTBAT Friday everyone! Today we are flashing back to 2007. As you can see, I am getting ready to put the NOM on some Cat Grass. I look unusually focused don't I? I don't remember what I was looking at. Probably Busby doing something silly.
I like this photo because you can see how finely pointed my FROOTBAT ears are. Not bad, huh?
Enjoy your Friday everyone! xoxo, Raymond
Enjoy your Friday everyone! xoxo, Raymond
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tagged Thursday
Hey there pals! It's my turn to play the tag game. As Busby mentioned earlier this week, we each have our own photo folders. This is the tenth photo from my folder. 
Like Busby's blog post from Tuesday, this photo was also taken in May 2005. I was seven months old and all ready looking very Mancatly, don't you think? And how about those frootbats? I was in our new big cat bed when this photo was taken. We ended up donating that bed to the SPCA last year, because our Mom says we have enough beds. (silly Mom! You can never have too many beds!)
Have a great Thursday friends! And if you want to play the tag game, just pick the tenth photo from your first folder of photos and tell us all about it in your bloggie. xoxo, Raymond
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tagged Tuesday
Hello friends! Raymond and I were tagged in that game that is going around. We honestly can't remember who tagged us, we aren't very good at awards and things like that. In this game you pick your first folder and your tenth photo. Ray and I have separate folders, so here's the tenth photo from my folder.
This photo was taken in May 2005. I was born in October 2004, so I was only seven months old in this photo. I was kind of awkward at that age!
We'll post Ray's tenth photo later this week. Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!
We'll post Ray's tenth photo later this week. Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mancat Monday
Hello friends! It's me, RAYMOND, the mighty MANCAT. This is a photo of me killing Busby's Mousie! Look at those CLAWS! How about those mighty JAWS?

Sorry the photo quality isn't great. My attack was so SWIFT that Mom didn't have time to get the real camera. She took this with her phone.
Happy Monday to all you fierce MANCATS and delicate GIRLCATS!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Easy Sunday
Hello chums! We're having a mellow Sunday here. Mom is very into the NCAA basketball tournament. Mom was born and raised in Indiana, so basketball is in her blood. I don't mind her being glued to the tv for the men's and women's tournament because it means lots of LAP TIME!
I hope you are all enjoying some lap time today. Happy Sunday, xo, Raymond

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Photo Hunt: Three
Today's PhotoHunt theme is THREE.
(Us with our brother Leo. Busby has his back to the camera.
Raymond is EASY to recognize!)
What are you doing on this first day of Spring?
Put your link on our McLinky and let us know!
Have a great day friends! xo, Raymond & Busby
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Toys on Tuesday
Hello friends! My Mom (my non-blogging Mom) has been learning how to do wet-felting. She is all ready a good knitter & crocheter (is that a WORD?). Her first project was a MOUSIE! A couple days ago she took out this BIG bag of stuffing because she was finally ready to complete the mousie!
I made some muffins on the bag of stuffing to make sure it was good quality.

Monday, March 15, 2010
Mancats on Monday
Hello friends! Here we are, looking at the clock, trying to understand WHY we got fed an hour earlier than usual this morning. (NOT that we are complaining!)
Our Mom said something about "daylight savings time". We don't know what that means, but she was sure grumpy this morning when she got up!
Happy MANCAT Monday everyone!

Happy MANCAT Monday everyone!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
PhotoHunt: Spiral
This week's PhotoHunt theme is SPIRAL. Mom went into our toy box and dug out one of our old favorite toys for this PhotoHunt shot. It looks like a piece of SPIRAL shaped pasta. (but it's not pasta. We know because we have tried to eat it.) We hope next week's theme is CATNIP!

Are you playing PhotoHunt this week? Whatever you are up to, feel free to leave us a link to your blog on this McLinky.

Are you playing PhotoHunt this week? Whatever you are up to, feel free to leave us a link to your blog on this McLinky.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Frootbat(s) Friday
Hey! It's me, Raymond! I'm feeling very FROOTBATTY in the shadows. I hope Hurl Grey doesn't notice that my ear is looking pink, he may come over and put the BITEY on me!
Busby is roosting high on his frootbat perch. I think he looks a bit GOOGLY-EYED today. Too much nip maybe?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Toes on Tuesday
Monday, March 8, 2010
Mancat Monday (Busby's Kingdom)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
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