Monday, May 7, 2012

Mancat Monday

Hello friends! Some of you may have heard (via the Facebook thingy) that Raymond has been feeling yuck. I am glad to report he is feeling much better. He was having a bit of stomach trouble. Our Moms made him some chicken broth and that's all both of us ate for 24 hours. Sometimes a little fasting does the trick. 

A little napping always helps too! Happy Monday friends!

xoxo, Busby


  1. Happy Monday to two of our favorite ManCats! We're glad Ray is feeling better!!

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  2. I am glad to hear Raymond is feeling better!

  3. We're so glad he's feeling better. It's hard to get us kittehz to let our tummies rest and chicken broth is purrfect. xoxo

  4. So glad that Ray is feeling better! Chicken broth is yummy!

    Looking good, Busby!

    The Chans

  5. I'm so very glad you're feeling better, my friend. purrs

  6. YAY that Ray is OK!!!!!!!!!!!!! heehee
    Chicken soup works on everyone we think ;)
    Relaxing on your Mom is also a pawsome way to spend a day!!!!
    Have fun boys :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  7. We're so glad Ray is feeling better! Chicken soup always cures what ails ya!

  8. Busby, we are glad Raymond is feeling better! yow! fasting sounds scary :D enjoy the naps! purrs,

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  9. Yay! We're glad Raymond is feeling better! :)

  10. Oh dear! Poor Ray! I am glad to hear he is feeling better now. Chicken soup is a wonderfully curative substance! XOXOXO

  11. Such handsome boys =)
    Glad to hear Raymond is feeling better
    I've never heard of chicken broth for an
    unhappy tummy-but it sounds like a great idea!


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