Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Wrasslemania

Hi, it's Raymond. My brother Busby & I like to wrassle. Here we are as rough and tumble kitten boys back in 2004. You will notice I am on the top.
Sometimes when we wrassle Busby cheats and bites me on my tender parts. NOT cool!

Eventually though, we always kiss and make up. I love my brother. Happy Friday!


  1. Awww ... look at itty bitty Busby and Ray!

  2. How cute to see that what you started as kittens is still continuing today! It reminds me of Newman and Gleek!

  3. Ray, dude, when he goes for the tender vittles, bunny kick him!

  4. Spencer bites all the time. But I bunnykikk harder. For now. Now he's 6 months old he thinks it wood be nice to lay on top of me. That is gonna take lots of gittin used to.

  5. Hi Raymond! Hi Busby! Congratulations on your bloggie! My brother Harley is always trying to rassle with me. I usually do not enjoy it.

  6. Welcome to the cat blogosphere. We like to wrassle too, and there is lots of biting of tender parts. And then Mom yells at us.

  7. It's very sweet that you two are so close.I love the last photo.


Give us a meow, or a purr or a headbutt. No hisses please!