Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Today our Moms are painting the dining room. Which is really OUR room where this big cat tree USUALLY is. Needless to say, we are NOT amused. Everything had to be moved for the painting to happen. EVERYTHING.
We tried to climb on this weird metal cat tree but...

Let's just say that we won't be climbing on that big metal cat tree again anytime soon.

Jeez. Relax Mom. Roll in the catnip or something.
Hope everyone else is having a nice Wednesday and doing whatever they want without getting scolded by some cranky person wearing paint covered clothes.


  1. That doesn't sound like much fun at all! Better be safe and go have a long nap at the other end of your home!!

  2. "Jeez. Relax Mom. Roll in the catnip or something." TOO FUNNY! MOL!!!

  3. Must be something about just before New Year that gets people thinking about paint. My Mom has a long list of potential panting jobs for the Dad. The Dad hasn't budged yet.

    Watch that metal climber-thing!

  4. We've tried to help with the painting...but for some reason the humans just don't want our help...don't understand why....

  5. We are sure it will be a wonderful room when she gets thru!

  6. We had a bad experience with a metal tree too once. Don't like that thing! It'll over soon (we hope for youe sake)

  7. You two look very disapproving in that first photo!

  8. You definitely look very annoyed in that first photo. But I'm sure the painting will be done soon and you can reclaim the room.

  9. Bummer for sure!!!! Wanna come visit us for a day or two???

  10. Weren't you kinda tempted to just climb up there, put a paw on the pan holding the paint and tugging just a wee bit....?

  11. Hee hee, Cory, that's exactly what we were tempted to do. Which is why we were asked (loudly) to leave the room. xo, Ray and Buzz

  12. I don't blame you. That metal cat tree doesn't look too safe.

    I've added you to my blog roll so I should be able to visit more often. Thanks for coming by.

  13. We think that metal cat tree looks skeery!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids


Give us a meow, or a purr or a headbutt. No hisses please!