Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday Garden Report with Busby

Hello Garden lovers! Busby here with today's garden report. Well, guess who's back? Yep! The Gopher. He came up out of the ground when Mom was taking these photos. We think he ate the really big cosmos we have in the yard. If it's droopy tomorrow, we'll know for sure.
On the brighter side, Mom went to an arts & crafts fair last weekend and got a few garden adornments. Here's a little tiny birdhouse.

And here is something that is SUPPOSED to be a bird. It looks like a bottle opener to us.
Here are the Zinnias, looking good. Check out our pathetic lemon tree in the background. We aren't getting very much sun lately, maybe that's the problem? It has one lemon on it, about the size of a walnut.
Here's a MYSTERY plant. When Mom planted the seeds she should have kept the package so she would know what she planted. She thought this was going to be a Gerber Daisy, but obviously it isn't. Any of you gardeners know what this is? It has a cluster of little buds on it.
Here's Porcini, recovering from the SQUIRREL incident yesterday!

Sunflowerzilla is still growing! Mom took the advice of a few of our readers and staked Sunflowerzilla up so that it won't collapse under the weight of it's flower.

And here is the BUD on top of Sunflowerzilla. Mom had to hold the camera up over her head to take this photo, because the plant is taller than her.
Thanks for checking out our garden today! Don't forget to visit some of the other feline gardeners on the blogosphere today! Especially the QUEEN of the the feline gardeners, JONESIE ! xoxo, Busby


  1. WOW! Yoor garden is looking good. The mystery plant ~ is it a weed? Just asking!!!

  2. The tiny birdhouse is so cute! Sorry that bad gopher eated some of your plants.

  3. We don't know what that plant is...and you know what? Dad gave up on a few of our plants in the yard. Jonesie couldn't figure out what they were, so he took cutting of them to the garden center and they had to identify them. We still have one volunteer that even the garden center couldn't identify so next week Jonesie will be asking for all of the garden cats to put their thinking caps on!

  4. Blasted gopher!!!!!!!!!!! We are purring that he will find somewhere else to go before he totally ruins your beautiful garden. xxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Love the new garden ornaments!! Hope Porcini isn't too tramatized by the squirrel incident :)

    Good luck keeping the gopher away!

  6. love Porcini and Sunflowerzilla!!! excellent post.

  7. Awesome photo handsome Bus=your eyes are just stunning!...Sorry about the gopher, but we enjoyed your garden tour...We think the squirrel might be in love with Porcini=he's a real cutie :)!!...Happy day sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  8. We think you have such a lovely garden and that little birdhouse is just so super cute!

  9. Your garden looks great and luckily Porcini seems none the worse for wear.

  10. The garden keeps getting better and better! Too bad you can't get out there and show that gopher a thing or two!!!

  11. Busby
    What a wonderful tour of your garden which is growing lovelier each week. Oh the sunflower is going to be so beautiful and we love the lawn ornaments your Mom added.



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