Monday, September 27, 2010

Mancat Monday

Hello friends! We would like to share with you a day in the life of two MANCATS.

Bird TV after breakfast
Lounging at Noon. It's too hot today!
Watching Mom. (She was telling me I'm "not supposed" to be on the top of the fridge. All I could hear is "Raymond, blah blah blah, Raymond".)
Watching moths circle around our porch light. 

Hope you are having a good Monday whatever you are doing. 
xoxo, Raymond and Busby


  1. A couple of things here:

    1) On top of the refrigerator is the perfect place for you, Raymond.

    2) There is NO such thing as moth TV. If your human is not letting the moths in for you to play with, you are being deprived.

  2. It looks like fun at your house!

  3. Yeah ~ our mom does that, don't do that blah blah blah stuff too. We ignore her! MOL!

  4. A good day, though not he "blah blah blah" stuff. Sparkle has a good point about the moths, too.

  5. We likes Moth TV too and Scylla gets a work out attacking the gecko in Mommy's bedroom window. She doesn't seem to understand that it is on the other side of the glass. Mommy was laughing at her last night and doing the blah blah bit cause Scylla kept falling off the window sill.

  6. That's an excellent day in the life of two mancats! Our mom was laughing over the "Raymond, blah blah blah, Raymond!" because that's what it's like in our house--so our own mom says!

  7. What a groovy day! Your fridge looks like ours, with all the stuff on it! Mom thought you were at our house for a sec...MOL!

  8. you guys has a verreh relaxing day.

  9. Happy Mancat Monday....looks like you're having another pawsome day. xxxxxxxxx

  10. Never a dull moment! Ask your Moms to bring some moths inside for's MUCHO fun!
    And destructive.


  11. You two sure had a busy day! Hey, Raymond, we hear the same thing from our mom...blah blah blah blah!!

  12. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! That looks like an exciting day!!! Well, except for the blah,blah part! hahahahha
    We tune that out too :)

    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

  13. Ha! My mom speaks that same language!!

    I got a moth last night. Were you as lucky?

  14. You can do and go anything /anywhere you wanna do and go!!!
    Well done, 2 mancats!!

  15. Looks like a pretty full day of activities round your place...oh, don't you love Far Side cartoons....they are so 'really what happens'


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