Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving friends! We have so much to be thankful for. Today in particular we are thankful for the two angel cats who watch over us.

Toot Suite (1984-2006)  our  big sister. She was 20 years old when we came to live with her! 

Alex was our role model. 1985-2008

We are thankful for our two Moms who adopted us from Pacific Siamese Rescue and gave us a wonderful forever home.

Non-blog Mom on the left, Blog Mom on the right. In San Francisco 2009.

We are thankful that the two of us were adopted together and will be together for the rest of our lives.

We really DO love each other!

We are also thankful for all of our friends here on the blogosphere. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving friends. We have turned off the comments today, please enjoy time with your family and friends. 

xoxo, Raymond and Busby