Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Twofur Tuesday

Hello friends! Well it's Tuesday and we are sharing the sunny spot because it's unseasonably COLD here on the coast of California. Yep, we may even have some rain later today which means this sunny spot may not last very long. 

We hope you are in an all-day sunny spot at your house!

xoxo, Raymond and Busby

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hello friends! Happy Memorial Day! Today we are flashing back to one year ago when we did our first Memorial Day post. You can read it HERE

We hope you all have a wonderful day. Please don't forget why we have this holiday.  xoxo, Busby

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Easy Sunday

It's another easy Sunday, but it's sort of like a 2nd Saturday since our Moms are both off work on Monday. Whew! Just saying all that made me sleepy. (and confused!) Have an easy Sunday friends!

xoxo, Busby

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Caturday: the purrfect day to hang out. 

How's it hangin' at your house?
Happy Caturday!
xoxo, Raymond

Friday, May 27, 2011

Frootbat Friday

Hello friends! Sometimes even the MIGHTY frootbat needs some rest and relaxation. 

Hope you all have a great Friday and that your humans have a nice long weekend. That way they'll have more time to give us scritches and treats and lap time!

xoxo, Raymond

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Garden Stroll

Oh, hello! *three paw taps* Are you ready to check out our garden today? Let's go!

Our neighbor bought way too many Impatiens, so she gave some to us and we planted them in a shady spot in our back yard. They seemed happy after the rain Tuesday afternoon. 

One of our succulents is blooming. We have no idea what this plant is called but we've had it for years. (even before Busby and I were born!

Check out our catnip! It's doing very well this year. Busby loves fresh nip leaves. Me? Not so much. I like mind dried.

The Rhubarb has taken off! Now we are just trying to keep the snails from nomming on the leaves.

Our flower garden is coming along. These are Blue Ensign Morning Glories. We can't wait to see them bloom! (but it's hard to be patient!)

Our tomato seedlings are all planted in the garden now. We kept two of them and gave the other three away. It's hard to believe this little plant will have juicy red tomatoes on it later this year. 

Here's our "Pot of Gold" Chard. It has raindrops on the leaves 'cause when Mom took these photos the rain had just stopped and the sun had come out. 

Thanks for visiting the garden with us today friends! Don't forget to check out the other Feline Gardeners today. xoxo, Raymond

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Special Guest Wednesday

Hello friends! Don't freak out! We didn't morph into a giant YELLOW woofie overnight. This is Mister Peabody. He belongs to our blog-Mom's boss and sometimes he visits the office where Mom works. Pea is a really OLD fellow, age 13. Mom says when Peabody wags his tail it makes a really loud thumping noise on the floor. 

We think we might like to meet Mister Peabody someday, Mom says he's a really good dog. (we've never met a D.O.G. before!)

Happy Wednesday friends! xo, Raymond, Busby and Peabody

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Your TOESday Tonkinese

Yeah, this is how I roll. 

The humans are here to accomodate us. Just sayin'

Happy Tuesday!

xo, Busby

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mancat Monday


Hear me


(okay, I was really yawning and falling back to sleep. 
But roaring is so much more mancatly.)

Happy Monday!
xoxo, Busby

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Easy Sunday

I take "Easy Sunday" VERY seriously. 

XOXO, Busby

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Photo Hunt: Cluttered

Hi friends! Today's Photo Hunt theme is CLUTTERED. Every time we look at this shot of us with our Mom Nell, the word cluttered comes to mind. Our nursery room was cluttered with toys and blankets and with all three of us one-month old kitten boys. 

Happy Saturday friends! Leave us a link to your Photo Hunt below and have a great weekend! xoxo, Raymond and Busby

Friday, May 20, 2011

Frootbat Friday

Behold the Mighty Frootbat! Since blooger was a BOOGER last Friday you were deprived of my frootbattiness. So today I am giving you the ears PLUS my luscious black lips! (and some arty whiskers thrown in for good measure.) Kissy kissy!

Happy Friday friends! Our Moms have been whining about how it has been a long week, but I think it was just five days like it usually is.

xoxo, Raymond Maxpower Nelson Festa 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday Garden Stroll

Hello friends! It has been a rainy and cool week here on the Central Coast of California. Luckily on Wednesday afternoon the sun finally appeared and we got a good look at our rain-soaked garden. Are you ready? Let's stroll!

In the front yard, here is our "Pot of Gold" Chard. It has done very well with the rain and chilly weather. It's almost too pretty to eat!

This is a "Garden Candy" Cherry Tomato plant. The gardeners where our blog-Mom works grew it from a seed and gave Mom the seedling. It's almost in bloom all ready!

The backyard flower garden is just starting to sprout. Mom is growing everything from seed this year. She is eager to see her Zinnias and Cosmos. They are tiny now. 

Here are some sunflowers that the birds planted. Our bird feeder is very close to the flower bed. Who knows? One of these may be a future SUNFLOWERZILLA!!! (That's gopher wire you see in the background. Mom is NOT taking chances this year.)

Last but not least, here is one of our transplanted tomato seedlings. Mom put it outside for five days to harden off, and then she transplanted it. It's a container variety called "Super Bush". We are hoping it gets some warmer weather soon, because it looks a bit wimpy. 

Thanks for strolling with us today friends! Don't forget to check out all the other Feline (and some Canine) gardeners today. 
xoxo, Raymond

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Two-fer Tuesday

Hi friends! Don't we look totally INNOCENT and cute in this photo? 

We don't know HOW those bite marks got on the loaf of bread Mom, honest!

MOL! Happy Tuesday friends!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easy Sunday

Ah, a nice easy Sunday. 
Hope it's an easy Sunday for you too friends!

XOXO, Raymond

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Frootbat Friday???

Hello pals! Did you know blogger was down for a really long time? (MOL! I KNOW you KNOW!) Except for the fact that our Frootbat Friday post is a day late, I kind of enjoyed the down time. It gave me a chance to recharge my frootbatteries! 

Happy weekend friends! Hope you and your humans are recharging your frootbatteries too! xoxo, Raymond 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thursday Garden Stroll

Oh! Hello friends! I was just having a little rest before today's garden stroll. Are you ready? Let's go!

Here we are on the front porch. Our Garden Babies butter lettuce is doing very well in a container. Our Moms have eaten a couple all ready and said they are yummy. 

We transplanted our Little Prince eggplant seedlings this past weekend. They are in a big container on the front porch where they can spread their roots and grow!

This old rose Geranium is on the front porch too. If you rub it's leaves, it smells like roses. Pretty cool! 

In the backyard, Mom has just planted her flower garden, so the seedlings are just starting to come up. We do have this lovely Rhubarb that is doing pretty well. Our Non-blog Mom makes a very good Rhubarb pie, so she is excited. She also makes Rhubarb jam which we hear is yummy. (we aren't allow to have any, which seems very unfair to us!)

We leaf you (get it?) with this photo of our Japanese Maple tree with the beautiful bright blue California sky behind it. We love our little Maple tree. 

Have a wonderful Thursday friends, and don't forget to check out the other members of the Society of Feline Gardeners like Milo and Alfie.  Alfie is the Vice President of the SFG! 

xoxo, Busby

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Your Tuesday Tonkinese

Hi friends! A surprising number of our readers thought the photo we posted yesterday was a photo of Raymond. That was ME! I'm the only cat in this house with beautiful blue eyes! 

Raymond has weird yellow/green eyes. Plus he can't climb as high as me, so he could never get all the way up to the tippy top of the cabinets on account he is a scaredy cat!

Happy Tuesday friends! xoxo, Busby

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mancat Monday

Hello friends! We're back to blogging! We sure did miss you all. During our hiatus I discovered that if I got way up on the kitchen cabinets and squooshed myself WAY back, I could spy on everyone with out being seen. (well, almost without being seen.)

Thank you for your kind words regarding the passing of our dear adopted Grandmother Gen. We adored her. 

Great to be back! xoxo, Busby