Monday, June 6, 2011

MOMcat Monday

Hi friends! Over the weekend our Moms moved our Grandma into a new apartment. It's much closer to our house and there are fewer other residents so our Grandma can get more care. What ELSE is at the new apartment?  KITTENS!

Our Moms reported to us that these kittens are eating solid food and ALSO hanging out at their Mom's milk bar. We think this is a sign of VERY intelligent kittens!

Mom is very pretty too. We love Calico girls!

Happy Monday friends! xoxo, Raymond and Busby


  1. Wow !!! All are good looking kitties and good looking momma as well.
    They look happy and healthy ...Thanks for your Grandma to take good care for them.

  2. I think your grandma's new home sounds great!

  3. Gorgeous kittens! W hope your Garndma enjoys living with them!

    The Chans

  4. We're glad the move went well for yoor Grandma. And the kittens and their mom are adorable.

  5. The move sounds good for Grandma and all of you. Those kittens are cute: such a mix of colors!

  6. Such pretty babies! I hope your Grandma likes her new home.

  7. We hope your grandma settles in quickly to her new apartment.

    We also hope those kittens have homes...and that the mom will be spayed!

  8. MOL milk bar! they is lovely kittens. Momma cat & daddy cat went to Pismo beach last week, you be lucky cats by da sea its bootiful up dere. We live in da yucky desert. phhtt!

  9. Kittens at the milk bar! I'm jealous. I never did get over being weaned.

    xoxo Cory

  10. Good looking kittens so adorable. Ditto on the spaying. Glad grandmaw is closer to you guys. Less stress is good
    Benny & Lily

  11. Well, we need MORE of the story! Will your Grandma be able to play with the tots? And maybe keep one?

  12. That is sure a cute looking bunch!!!

  13. Awwww baby kitties, and to has a milk bar too!


  14. Oh look at that cute Momma cat and her sweet babies. They make our Mom go squee!


  15. I love calico girls too!!!!
    Own.... sweeties faces!!!

  16. Oh! Oh! OH! The Human is squeeing in a really, really annoying way. Yeah, kittens, so what? **I** was a kitten once, too. Big deal.

    oor Mom--they're pretty sizable to still be nursing. I think maybe Mom should give 'em a good swat!

    Hope Grandma is happy in her new digs!


Give us a meow, or a purr or a headbutt. No hisses please!