Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday Garden Stroll

Hello garden fans! I have to warn you up front that we don't have much of a garden post today. Our weather has been cold, wet and windy. Not much new is happening in our garden. (don't let this sunny spot fool you. Mom took this photo on Sunday!)

See this photo of Capitola beach that Mom took over the weekend? Well all those clouds you see in the distance have been parked over our town all week. 

We do have this ONE arty shot of our butter lettuce. It's doing great. It must like cold rainy weather. (WE don't like cold rainy weather, especially in JUNE.) 

Our last photo today is of a Lady Bug that was crawling on the fence in our backyard. Mom says Lady Bugs are great because they eat aphids. She used some special app on her iPhone to take the photo. (of course that doesn't make up for only having ONE garden photo this week, does it MOM?)

Happy Thursday friends! Hopefully the other Feline Gardeners will have more sunny garden photos for you today. xo, Busby


  1. One garden photo is better than what I have this week - NO photo!

  2. The artsy ladybug IS a pretty cool picture...

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

  3. Oooo did you get to chomp on the ladybug after the photo?

  4. Ha..Ha..I'm the same as Sparkle, No garden photo too!
    Your butter lettuce look so fresh !!! My mom love it : )

    Hey Busby, Let's Lady Bugs eat aphids first, Because it's a lady
    then you eat Lady Bugs later..heh..heh..Gentle mancat Thursday : )

  5. we wishes we could trade you some of our sunshine for some of your rain. It is very dry here.

  6. Your lettuce looks terrific! And hurrah for aphid-eating ladybugs. LOL.

    We hope this coming week brings sunshine for you!

  7. That lettuce looks nommy!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  8. I love the pictures, especially the sunny Sunday one!!!

  9. Sorry about your weather. We could really use some rain over here. Today, it's warm, with a warm wind blowing!

    Fab photo of Busby!

    The Chans

  10. We thought you were doing yoga since the weather is yucky
    Benny & Lily

  11. every little pool of sunshine is lovely whenever you get it. Here is wishing for more for you. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

  12. Happy Thursday! Do you get to chomp on the lettuce?

  13. We hope you get your sun back! We are having our hot weather now. Mom says that lettuce looks yummy and she wishes she could have a vegetable garden.

  14. That lettuce looks very nommy! And we don't even like lettuce!

    We hope your weather gets better.

  15. Yum the lettuce looks so good!
    and that sweet lady bug is good luck for your garden!
    Busby you are stunning in the sun puddle.


  16. I love ladybugs and your photo is amazing, it is so close up!

    I adore butter lettuce! Yum!

  17. Ladybugs are so smart and cutest!!
    I love!

  18. We like yoor pics! (even if there was only ONE gardening pic!) Tee hee.

    Sorry we haven't visited for a while, we had grandbeans staying for a vacation. It's been happy chaos!

  19. This pic of you is my favorite. You look like warm lovely dark sinful rich chocolate and I wantz to lick you right up!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan


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