Friday, September 30, 2011

Frootbat Friday-Counter Surfing

Hello friends! Happy Friday! Do any of you like to counter surf? It's one of my favorite things to do. Notice the slightly opened cabinet behind me? That's where Mom keeps the cat treats. I like to slide my slender little arms in there and try to pull the treat bag out onto the counter. 

Foiled again!
Unfortunately, my Moms put "baby locks" on all the cabinets! One of these days I am going to figure out how to open those darn things!

Have a terrific weekend! xoxo, Raymond


  1. My human has our treats hidden! Sometimes even she forgets where they are!

  2. Counter surfing looks like a blast. Bet there is lots of things to chew up there
    Benny & Lily

  3. I never get on the counter. On account of I am the Good Cat. Teddy tried to steal some salmon off the counter the other day, but mum was home and caught him. He was in Big Trouble.

  4. Counters are fun, but I get in trouble...sometimes! Happy weekend everyone!

  5. Mo LOVES to counter surf!! In fact, he is sure it is his duty to teach all the fosters how to do it as well....can't have them going to new homes without some sort of bad habit. MOL

  6. Audrey is definitely a counter surfer. Me, I mostly stay on the floor. Good luck getting to the treats!

  7. Raymond! If you sing LOUD enough and LONG enough and LATE enough, I'll bet your could score someof those treats. Know what I'm sayin'?

  8. I would be in BIG trouble if I were doing what YOU are doing right now! :)

    you have a great weekend too!

  9. Raymond, we're so impressed! Minnie and Pip are big counter surfers but none of us know how to open the cabinets. Good luck with the locks. Have a great weekend!

    Pip, Smidgen, MInnie, Hollie

  10. Counter surfing?? Well, of course we do!! And we even open baby locks for us!! We just can't figure out how to open the treat bag!!

  11. We get up on the counter but don't open any cupboards.

  12. Counter surfing is cool! Our mom and dad put those locks on the cabinets, too. What the heck?

  13. I love hanging out on the countertops! There are lots of fun things up there!


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