Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday Garden Stroll

Um, I don't think this really counts as a "stroll". These are some "Wings and Warts" Gourds grown with Renee's Garden Seeds. Kinda Halloweenie, right? They came from a garden, so I guess this is sort of a garden post...

Have a happy Thursday friends! xoxo, Busby


  1. What strange looking things! Did you give them a bite, Busby? I hope not - they look like they would taste nasty!

  2. You are right. We think it counts too since its a cute picture
    Benny & Lily

  3. I love gourds in the Fall! I have them as decorations on my dining room table...they are perfect!

  4. mol! those are some scary lookin fruits, Busby! just right for Halloween!

    Pip, Smidge, Minnie, Hollie


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