Friday, July 30, 2010

Frootbat Friday - the Haiku Edition

A Haiku-by Raymond

The mighty frootbat
Senses something happening
Suitcases appear.

*sigh* Yes, our Moms are getting ready to take yet ANOTHER trip. We'll have one more week of blogging and then they will be on the road. We sure hope our Auntie Barb is coming to watch us, she gives good belly rubs. (hey, I'm easy, what can I say?)
Happy Friday everyone! Mom is playing golf today, so we maybe coming to visit your blog later than normal today, or not at all. Believe me, it's NOT our fault! xoxo, Raymond


  1. Awesome haiku and frootbats, Ray; you are a smart, handsome boy!...LOVE your stunning, amber eyes and beautiful black furs in your photo!...Your Moms trip sounds like a lot of fun; we sure hope you get all those belly rubs while they are away, maybe extra treats too!...Happy Friday lovely friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  2. I am lucky my human does not do any silly stuff like that golf thing or taking off and running around places! I think I finally have her trained to stay home all the time!

  3. My Haiku for Raymond and Busby:

    Oh noes, not again!
    Suitcase makes my fur puff out
    Harbinger of bad!

  4. Well, that trip sounds like fun for your Moms, although I don't know why our humans think it is ok to leave us ever.

  5. Hi Raymond! What, your moms are going away again? Gees, what's up with that? They shouldn't be allowed to leave us, except maybe if it's a dire emergency. We could allow that.

    Anyway, happy Friday to you and Busby and have a great weekend!

  6. Raymond you are so gorgeous!

    I hope you don't miss your mums too much while they are away, but I'm sure you will be well looked after by your tummy-rubbing Auntie :-)

  7. What a bummer that your moms are going to leave you AGAIN....they just got home!!!!!!!!! We will be purring that Auntie Barb will be coming to take care of you dudes. xxxxxx

  8. AGAIN!?! Who's gonna document the mystery plant? And defend sunflowerzilla from the ebil gopher? Your Moms can't leave's just not a good time.
    Actually, it's NEVER a good time. Moms should be home at all times.

  9. What a GRRR-8 haiku! Sorry your moms are leaving again, you are more than welcome to come to our house for a vacay!

  10. Love the haiku and frootbats! Sorry to hear your mom is going on a trip, but hopefully your Aunt Barb will help you feel better by giving you some great tummy rubs.

  11. Cripe! I have the same issue coming up at the end of the month, my 'rents are leaving for Lake Tahoe.
    But having a sitter makes it a little less painful.

  12. Awesome Raymond!

    But we have bad noos-- we'll be missing you in about a week!



  13. D'oh! Sorry your moms will be leavin ya. We'll keep our paws crossed for the good belly rubs. Love the haiku.

    Our mom's a Yankee fan to an she says "cool" about your moms' trip.

    Fraidy cats Pip, Smidge, Minnie

  14. What if you guys hide in the suitcases?

  15. Oh no! Not another trip! We're glad our mom and dad-guy are boring and don't go anywhere....

  16. You are a furry good Haiku-ist! And Ray-pod! I can see why you are jealous about the NYC trip1


Give us a meow, or a purr or a headbutt. No hisses please!