Monday, July 12, 2010

Mancat Monday Morning After

Hello friends. Well, here I am, recovering from the World Cup final. My team, the Netherlands was defeated by Spain 1-0. It wouldn't be so bad, except Raymond was rooting for Spain and in particular, he is a BIG fan of Andrés Iniesta. (he mentioned it in yesterday's post) Of course, it was Iniesta who scored the winning (and ONLY) goal in yesterday's game. Now Raymond is insisting I call him Andrés for the rest of the week. (with the accent on the e and everything.) UGH. Brothers!

Oh well, at least the World Cup is only once every four years! Have a good Monday everyone!
xoxo, Busby


  1. Sounds like Raymond is being a little annoying. Our mom isn't big into soccer, but she was at the mall today during the game and the fans were going wild watching the game.

  2. It was an exciting game, wans't it? No wonder you look like that today!

  3. Our Mom saw the last twenty minutes of it...which seemed to be the most important!!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  4. We were rooting for the Netherlands too! We don't know how to talk with accents, but it sounds like you lost a bet!

  5. We did not watch any of the games. I am wondering if the octopus predicted the winner?

  6. LOL! We watched, not rooting for anyone in particular. But we thought Saturday's game between Germany and Uruguay was much more fun!

  7. Didn't watch any of the games really, but was hoping the Netherlands would their orange outfits!

  8. Lording it over you, huh? You sure look all wrung out. Just get some rest.

  9. We are so sorry your team didn't win, Busby......we hope Raymond won't be too unbearable this week....if so, come and visit us until he gets over it!!!!!!!!!

  10. How exactly do you say "meow" with a Spanish accent?

    hee hee!

  11. haha you are so dramatic, look at you.

  12. Busby
    You look adorable!

    We are sorry your team lost.
    But there's always next time!

  13. Oh, Bus, that is a precious photo; our Mommy is squealing over you, gorgeous boy!...Sorry about the game and Ray being annoying, but we really understand how irritating siblings can be!MOL...Happy week sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  14. I have NO idea what you're talking about - the only soccer around here is kitty soccer. And I have to say Busby, as tuckered out as you appear, it does look like YOU were the one playing the game!

  15. I have NO idea what you're talking about - the only soccer around here is kitty soccer. And I have to say Busby, as tuckered out as you appear, it does look like YOU were the one playing the game!

  16. Well that was an exciting World Cup final!!

  17. Raymond, you are being silly. I mean we've been stuck watching the Tour de France, but so far even Nigel has not insisted on being called Fabian...or Lance...sheesh!

    All this sports stuff in cramping my blogging style! Enjoy your snooze boys, we still have 2 weeks to go to Paris!

  18. Heehee! I'll second Raymond being silly... brothers!


Give us a meow, or a purr or a headbutt. No hisses please!