Monday, August 23, 2010

Mancat Monday

Hello and happy Monday friends! Did you all have a good weekend? My Moms went to the Santa Cruz County Animal Services office this weekend and looked at adoptable cats & DOGS.
Hey, wait a minute! Do you suppose they are thinking of getting us a little brother or sister or two?! Maybe even a DOG???!!!
They say they are just thinking about adopting again at this point. *Whew*. I'll keep you all posted on any new developments.
Meanwhile, have a terrific week! My Mom is playing in a golf tournament tomorrow. She hasn't played much this year and her game stinks. Should be interesting! xoxo, Busby


  1. Uh-oh! I hope your humans aren't going to do anything drastic!!! In fact, I hope your human's golf game keeps her mind off the adoption thing, at least for a while.

  2. That first photo of you is BRILLIANT my friend!!

    And tell your humans you need a bootiful sister. not a puppy.

  3. We agree wiv Inigo and Rumbles ~ a sister wud be good! MOL!

  4. Another kitty!!!!
    And smoochies to your Moms for adopting from a shelter!

  5. You can train a dog to open the fridge for you. Just saying.

  6. Hmmmmm, this is a very interesting development!

  7. Your Moms are exhibiting some very dangerous behavior! Our Mom did that and next thing we knew, we had Bella!

  8. A new brofur or sisfur?!?! Furry interesting!!!

  9. A new baby brother kitty would make you guys a perfect trio :-)

  10. Oh, a new sibling, that could be interesting! You'll have to keep us posted!

  11. May we remind you that dogs can be the most wonderful creatures ever?

    The Chans

  12. Oh gooooodie maybe you will have another brother or sister to boss around. That would be fun!

    best wishes to your mom with her golf tournament. I hope she is amazed that she did well!


  13. Hmmmm...we are now very interested in the outcomings of this news. Good luck to your mom tomorrow. Our mom hits a golf ball like Happy Gilmore. She literally skips up to it and then hits. She's too spastic to hit it standing still...MOL!

  14. Busby, you look mighty worried in that last photo...we hope, IF you get another furbling, that it's a kitten! Um, we're a little biased...we LOVE kittens!

  15. Busby
    We are hoping you get a kitten!

    Mom said thank you for your comments on Saturday (this is the first time she has let us back online since Friday)...and she said the photo was taken downtown Jacksonville FL on the St.Johns river. She and Dad were visiting the park on the water front...Memorial Park.



  16. We dunno, Busby, we'd keep an eye on those humans and hope they continue to just think about it!

  17. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!Somethings up thats for sure ;) It's always dangerous to 'look' heehee
    Keep us posted,K?

    Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

  18. Love your handsome photos, Bus; you actually look shocked in that last one!!MOL...We can't wait to hear about a new sibling in the future=you will have a new, great friend and it will be fun!!...Best of luck to your Mom in the tournament tomorrow...kisses sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  19. We think a Sisfur is just what you need! You can watch over her and protect her like the nice ManCats you are!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  20. Your eyes are quite wide at the thought, aren't they? Could be fun to mix things up a little!

  21. If they are thinking about it, someday it will happen.

  22. Uh oh! I think once they start looking it's pretty much a done deal!


Give us a meow, or a purr or a headbutt. No hisses please!