Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Your Tuesday Scofflaw Tonkinese

Hello friends! We understand that FIN over at Housecat Confidential has declared this to be SCAFFLAW Week. (We think the "A" is for cAt) I know you all THINK I am a well behaved boy. Well, think again!

Here I am, just yesterday, on top the cabinet where Mom would prefer I did NOT go. I'm shooting at her with my lasers. Yes, that is the kitchen ceiling just above my head. I have to climb WAY up on top the fridge to get to this spot.

What's that Mom? You are going to take my photo for Scafflaw week? Not if I melt the camera lens with my LASERS first!

Hee hee! Have a lovely Tuesday friends! It's HOT here, in fact, the weatherman says it will be our hottest day of the year so far. We plan to take it easy and we hope you do too! xoxo, Busby


  1. Personally, I see nothing wrong with hanging out on top of the cabinet. It looks like a nice place to be!

  2. Um, I don't think the lasers worked.

  3. Ooooh, I love climbing up on top of the kitchen cabinets. It's the greatest!

  4. Wow, your camera melting lasers are awesome! We think that is a perfectly normal place to snooze!

  5. I'm getting the best ideas this week! Ha!

  6. Good Kitty!! That is some naughty behavior, says Mom.

    Mom must have decided to break the rules of spelling for Scofflaw Week. LOL

    Thanks for playing!!

  7. Hey, cupboards like that are like custom made cat perches...cats know that!

  8. Hi Busby. Those are excellent lasers! And we see you flout the rules very well! :-)

  9. Busby, how is it that the camera didn't disintegrate from your powerful lasers!

    My Casper goes up on top of the cupboards too and it makes me crazy, but I never seem to have the camera ready...your mum is quicker than I am :-)

  10. Now if you had knocked some of those boxes off their shelf, that would have been real naughty!

  11. Busby, we are Not Allowed on the cabinets, either. As If! Salem is up there all the time...heh heh.

  12. Those look like highly efective melting lasers.

    You have hots because we have cools. The weather system has rearnaged itself a little this week, I think

  13. Those lasers are remarkable! AND, we think being up there should be allowed. Psst...ya know what fun??? Knock down the Cheerios box and have them spill all on the floor and you can whap them all over the place! (Shhh, don't tell your mom we says that)

  14. We say Scofflaw too!

    #1 gave up a long time ago trying to prevent us from going anywhere. Not much fun, is it...

    The Chans

  15. That spot was custom made for your viewing pleasure, sweetie=don't let anyone tell you different :)...Have a fun day, sweet boys...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  16. Now that is purrfectly acceptable place to hang out...




  17. Well, we hang out on top the cabinets all the time...mom gave up long ago making us get down and now she even puts a cushion up there so we'll be comfortable!!

  18. Poor Mum, No cats understand rules here : )


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