Friday, January 28, 2011

Frootbat Friday

Hello friends! Behold the mighty frootbat! It's been kind of rough adjusting to our Mom being at work all day.  The job she had before this one was a job she telecommuted to. This is the first time in our lives that no one has been home with us for most of the day. 

Is it Friday yet?

On the other hand,  Mom working means she has a bit more cash flow, which means more treats for Busby and I! 

Happy Friday friends! xoxo, Raymond 


  1. Always finding the silver lining beautiful boys!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  2. now THAT is an awesome frootbat !

    we so sowry you home alone. maybe throw a (party)....ssssssh!

  3. Give it a few days, Raymond... I am sure you will find some fun things to do in her absence!

  4. Raymond, Bright side...You got Busby while your mom go to work !
    Me ? Yesterday ...I was home by myself....ALONE IN WHOLE HOUSE !!!!
    How I solve my problem ? I do nap whole day : )

  5. There is always a trade-off, isn't there?

  6. Awesome frootbats today, Raymond!! And it's good to see the silver lining in that cloud called working....

  7. We're alone during the day, and it's not so bad. Those extra treats really make up for it!

    We love your frootbats, Ray!

  8. You definitely have great frootbats, Ray!!!!!!!!

    We know you miss your mom......thankfully every cloud has a silver lining.....more TREATS!!!!!!!!!

    Have a fantabulouos weekend, dear friends.

  9. Pawsome frootbats!! We like the idea of extra treats!!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  10. Those are some serious frootbat Raymond. We know you miss your mom during the day, but use the time to nap up to you can love on her more when she is home!!

  11. Thats why we send her off to work=treats
    Benny & Lily

  12. Way to look on the bright side Ray!!!

  13. Ray
    I understand. We like it so much better now that Mom and Dad are both home with us all the time!
    Have a great weekend!


  14. in life there are always trade-offs! I would say that more treats is a great trade-off indeed! Gotta love those ears! xoxo

  15. We understand how that goes, but the good news is more treats in it for you!

  16. Hi Raymond & Busby - I'm sorry to hear about the new routines you have to get used to but I'm sure you guys will adapt just fine! That is a great frootcat - oops, I mean, frootbat photo! :-)

    Honey the Great Dane


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