Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday Garden Stroll

 Hello friends! We have just a short garden stroll for you today, but we think you will enjoy it. Shall we?

Will there be treats after this stroll?

We know so many of our friends are having a cold and snowy Winter. We wanted to give you a glimmer of hope that Spring is on it's way! This Calla Lily is blooming in our side yard! Mom took this photo yesterday. 

We are having record high temperatures here in Capitola. It was 73 degrees yesterday!

These Cosmos are also blooming in our yard! These are volunteers that sprang up in a pot where our Mandevilla vine grows. See the peanut next to the Cosmos? The squirrels have been hiding nuts in our containers for months.  

 Spring must be on it's way!

Thanks for joining us on our garden stroll today! Visit our friend Jonesie to see what the other Feline Gardeners are up to. Just follow the links at the bottom of her post. 

By the way, this is our 450th blog post! Wow! No wonder our paws are so tired! (MOL!) We hope you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoy meowing it to you everyday. 

xoxo, Busby


  1. that calla lily is beautiful. easter must be on the way.

  2. That is the nice thing about California - even in winter we still have lots of pretty things going on in the garden! I even have some nice plants and blooms at my house - probably because my black-thumbed human wisely avoids going near any of the greenery!

  3. oh it is so nice to get a glimpse of spring; what when you are in 20 degree temps and all. thanks for sharing!!! send some of that weather out eastward would ya. your flowers are very pretty : )

  4. OMC, what a beautiful Calla Lily! You boys are so fortunate to have temps int he 70s! We are in the middle of getting 12 + inches of white stuff.

  5. My mom love your Cosmos ...She said so pretty in pink !

  6. WOW! Congrats on 450 posts!

    The Lily is beautiful ~ we can't wait for Spring.

  7. Wow! That lily is so pretty! Thanks for sharing your flowers with us!!

    And congrats on the 450th post! We've enjoyed them all!!

  8. Oh, the calla lily is so pretty!

  9. Your garden is looking lovely, boys!

    Congrats on 450 posts! We wish you many, many more!

  10. Congratulations on your 450th blog post!

    We are so jealous of your weather. Seriously.

  11. 450! Wow that IS something to Meyowl about! I think I'd have to give those squirrels a good talking too if I seen them around here! Heehee; love reading you boys everyday!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  12. We are totally jealous! We just got 6 more inches of that dreaded stuff called snow again!

  13. Ohhh,,, da Calla lily is sooo Pretty,,,, and did you say 73 degreez? Oh dat would feel sooo good right about now ^~^
    we'z have almost 3 ft. of dat white stuff outside... brrrrr....
    450 postz?? dat ALOT!You certainly needz treatz for dat ^~^ Concatulationz ~

  14. Thank you for sharing your warms with us, Busby. We sure hopes you got lots of treats after your stroll.
    Concatulashuns on your 450th post. We have enjoyed each and everyone of them!

  15. Thank you for reminding us that Spring is coming! Your flowers are already so pretty.

  16. Congratulations on 450 posts, that is quite an accomplishment! So nice to see signs that winter won't be here forever...your calla lily is so beautiful!!!

  17. We love your flowers, especially the Lily. We are supposed to get 60 F this weekend.

  18. Wow 450 posts that is pawsome.
    Busby that was a fabulous picture of you-- wow!
    We enjoyed the stroll in your garden.
    How is your Mom doing?


  19. Spring has to come soon! Still lots of white stuff on the ground, but we can really tell the days are getting longer again.

  20. This is reminding mom to add Cosmos to our seed order. We just love them but it's been years since we planted them.

    We have Calla lilies too, but they haven't popped up yet.

    Thanks for the stroll! Now can we stare into your gorgeous blue eyes?


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