Thursday, February 9, 2012

Frootbat Friday

Sometimes I like to wedge myself between the arm of the couch and the arm of my Mom. It's a nice cozy spot. Frootbats love a nice cozy spot!

Happy Friday friends! My moms say they are fried. I thought it smelled like chicken around here.

XO, Raymond


  1. what a good spot keep an eye on the human
    Benny & Lily

  2. Fried?! Does that mean you guys are getting chicken?

  3. Those are pawsome frootbats!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. So why is it that when humans say they are doesn't result in yummy treats for us?? What's up with that?

  5. Mozart likes to sleep in a similar spot (though mom will put him there upside down). Have a nice relaxing weekend....with chick-hen??? :)

  6. I love that pic! Happy weekend everyone!

  7. Enjoy your cozy spot there, Frootbat! And we hope you get some of that chicken! ;)

  8. We are glad to hear that you, Ray, are doing well. We hope you both get some chik-hen.

    I am going to get some speshul food that will maybee help my itchy skin. This z/d is Rx food, very exspensiv, so we will keep Mr. Chewy in mind, if I decide to eat it. I am a picky eater.

    Taffy and my woman

  9. My Human's been a little fried herself. Well, more than a little. Plus, apparently that means she's not helping me visit as much as I want to. Shame on her.

  10. That looks like a purrfect place to spend the weekend, Raymond! :)


Give us a meow, or a purr or a headbutt. No hisses please!