Sunday, October 31, 2010

Easy Sunday

This is what we call a "double header"!

Happy Halloween friends!
xoxo, Raymond and Busby

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Photo Hunt: Dark

Hello friends! Today's theme is DARK. We think we are REALLY reaching with this photo, but hey, it was pretty DARK inside this bag. (After all, this IS a cat blog!) Here's another (and probably better) take on the theme, some DARK clouds over our house here in Capitola.

Are YOU playing the Photo Hunt today? WHATEVER you are doing, leave us a thumbnail in our Linky below so we can come and check out your blog.

Have a great weekend friends! xoxo, Raymond and Busby

Friday, October 29, 2010

Frootbat Friday

Behold the MIGHTY FROOTBAT! Except of course my photographer cut one of my frootbatty ear tips off when she took this photo. Duhr. Good help is hard to find! Just a little update on my emotional state, I'm doing well! No peeing outside the cat boxes (which are now being washed once a week instead of once a month). I've been getting a few drops of Bach's Rescue Remedy in my food every other day or so, and I am no longer running from window to window when the introoder cat is in our yard. I've been playing more and feeling good. Hurrah!

Thanks to everyone for their advice, good wishes, purrs, etc. That's what the blogosphere is all about!

Happy Happy Friday! xoxo, Raymond

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday (Not) Strolling

What Mom? You were sitting here? Really? You got up and we didn't think you were coming back so we just made ourselves comfortable in your warm butt spot.
Really, we don't know why you are so surprised.
It's the time of year when we need to be in the warmest spot we can find.

Friends, our garden looks so raggedy that we just couldn't post photos of it,
it's just too ugly. Seems as though Autumn has taken hold here in California. We will keep you posted as we prepare to Winterize our garden beds.
We plant "green manure" each Fall, and in
November we will plant our Sweet Peas so that they bloom by Easter.

Happy Thursday! xoxo, Raymond and Busby, coming to you from the warm butt spot!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Toes on Tuesday

Hi friends! I decided to bump Busby's usual "Tuesday Tonkinese" with my beautiful little coffee bean toes. After a weekend full of rain, we are having three days of sun before our next storm blows through. I plan to take full advantage!

Have a wonderful Tuesday friends! xoxo, Raymond

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mancat Monday-A Seedy Offer

Hello friends! Happy Mancat Monday! Raymond is giving himself a bath, apparently some of our VET's smell is stuck in a few of his furs.
As we begin our second year of blogging, we thought we might make a SEEDY offer to our readers!

Remember SUNFLOWERZILLA? Well, she produced a considerable amount of seeds. We want to share the seeds with our readers, in hopes of seeing her offspring blooming in our friends gardens all over the world!

If you are interested in getting a few of Sunflowerzilla's seeds in the mail, just send us a self-addressed stamped envelope, and we will send off some of her seeds to be planted in the Spring. We can send seeds overseas, we just need to attach a special form to the envelope before we send it. If you are interested and want our address, you can email us, just click the link below the "Meow at Us" on the upper right side of our blog . Mom wishes she could provide free postage, but she is sort of marginally employed currently and isn't sure how many of you will want seeds.

Happy Mancat Monday friends! xoxo, Busby

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Easy Sunday with Ray

Hi friends! It's rainy and chilly here. On days like these, I like to get up on Mom's lap and wrap myself around her hand and take a nap. I can use my tail almost like a monkey does! (No, I don't mean a Monkey like Samson & Delilah & Bella and Sweet Pea!)

Good news about my labs, everything came back normal. So my little "problem" is behavioral, not physical. My Mom's have started me on Rescue Remedy (the Feliway doesn't seem to be working for me). They are also probably going to get a third litter box (we have two) and putting it in one of our bathrooms. Our boxes are currently in the laundry room, so Mom is thinking maybe it's too noisy in there sometimes. My non-blog Mom was home ALL day today, her sister was in town and spent time with Grandma, so that helped my mood too!

Thanks to all of our friends for their suggestions and purrs and words of support. I haven't peed anywhere except the box in the past three days! Life is good!

Happy Sunday! xoxo, Raymond

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Photo Hunt: Orange

Hi friends! Today's theme is ORANGE. We thought photos of us with our little orange sock filled with Valerian root would be purrfect for today's theme. Besides, Mom thinks I look like a WITCH'S FAMILIAR in this picture. Just in time for Halloween.
Busby likes the little orange sock too.
After he rubs his head on it for awhile he gets very thoughtful.
Or stoned, I'm not sure which!

Enjoy your weekend everyone! We are trying a "thumbnail picture" Linky today. If you are playing the Photo Hunt, leave us a link to your blog so we can come visit.
Orange you glad you visited us today?!
xoxo, Raymond and Busby

Friday, October 22, 2010

Our First Blogoversary!

Hi friends! Yes, today is a BIG day for us! It has been ONE YEAR TODAY since we began blogging. If you would like a look at our very first blog, you can get in the time machine and visit it HERE! Kind of funny that we were talking about the Yankees in our first blog
and here we are, a year later,
and the Yankees are playing a very important game tonight.

This is how we looked a year ago when we first started blogging!

We haven't changed a bit, have we?!

We want to thank everyone who visits our blog, whether you have time to comment or not, we know you are out there! Our friends on the blogosphere are inspirations to us to keep blogging. We have met some wonderful new friends and we are proud and happy to be a part of this community.

Here's to the start of a second year of blogging from us to you!

xoxo, Raymond and Busby

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday at the Farmers Market

Hello friends! I'm hiding out up here on our cat tree. The VET was here on Tuesday and took some of my BLOOD! She ran some lab tests to make sure my little "problem" is not physical. My blood work all came back fine today, but I need to give her a urine sample on Friday. Blah. 

Our garden is in pretty sorry shape. We had some rain last weekend that left our Cosmos looking rather battered. So today, instead of a garden stroll, we are going to stroll in our local Farmers Market!

Our farmers market is every Saturday all year round from 8am - Noon. We are lucky, we live very close to the Salinas Valley, which is one of the largest agricultural areas in the US. It's nickname is "The Salad Bowl of America". We have many other farmers markets here in Santa Cruz county, but this is our favorite one and it's the closest to our house.

These beautiful green beans are also called Haricot Verts. (at least that's what our friends at Le Poupounette would call them!) Our Moms think they are delicious.

This famers sells all kinds of veggies, in all different colors. 

Fruits and vegetables are not the only thing at the market. There are also beautiful flowers, bread, organic meat, honey, pastries, eggs and cats for adoption! Mom will try to get some new photos this weekend so we can share more of our market with you. 

We had a heck of a time posting this blog entry! We use the "new" blogger and it is so frustrating when we are trying to add photos to our blog. It won't let us put the photos where we want, and everytime we tried to add a caption, the photo would move! Any other bloggers having issues? We're curious. (after all, we're cats!)

Have a most excellent Thursday friends! 

xoxo, Raymond

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tocktober Fest!

Hi friends! We were going to post photos of our (but)'tocks in honor of our friend Derby's birthday. Then when we tried to do that we saw that blogger was down for two hours of maintenance (last night). We tried again, about and hour and a half AFTER blogger was supposed to be back on line, but it was still down!

So...use your imaginations and pretend these are our tocks!

         ( : )        ( : )

Have a great Wednesday everyone! xoxoxo, Raymond and Busby

PS: Ray is still having some inappropriate urination (you  know, peeing on the guest bed) so our Vet came over on Tuesday afternoon and took some blood and did a physical. Ironically, even after Mom giving Ray Sub-Q fluids, the Vet couldn't get a urine sample. So, we will see her again on Friday just for a urine sample. (she got about three drops today) The Vet also recommended Bach Flower Essence instead of the Feliway. We'll keep you all posted. We are 99% sure this is emotional and not physical, but keep your paws crossed about that 1%.

PEE ESS ESS! Blogger just came back up as we were typing this! So here are our 'tock photos! Happy birthday Derby!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday: More Stuff about Stuff

 Hi friends! We received another package last week. This one was from our pals at the CSN Stores.  They sent us a gift code and we told them we would do some product reviews. 
Today we are reviewing the Omega Paw Scratch 'n Massage Bed.  
 This cat pictured on the box must be REALLY tiny, because there is no way the Scratch 'n Massage Bed can fit a regular sized cat. 
Here it is, out of the box. It's very basic. It's like a box lid with some rippled card board inside. It doesn't come with catnip or anything to attract a cat to it.
HOW the HECK am I supposed to lay down in this thing?
Hmmm. Busby, your tail is more interesting than this Scratch 'n Massage Bed. 
If you look closely,
you can see Raymond's unsolicited 

opinion of this product. 
The box it shipped in is FAR 
more fun to play with!

We personally do not care much for the Omega Paw Scratch 'n Massage Bed. Mom sprinkled some catnip in it which we licked up and that was about it. Raymond scratched at it a little bit last night, but otherwise it is not getting our attention at all. We do want to mention that the 

Omega bed is made with 98% 
post-consumer recycled materials. 
That part makes us happy.

Have a great Tuesday friends!
xoxo, Raymond and Busby

pee ess: For those who asked,
Raymond's nickname is "Sleeky Shrimp". 

Or "Ray Ray" or "Hey, don't pee on the bed!"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mancat Monday: PRIZES!

Hi friends! Remember last month when Monty Q had his "Do the Q" photo contest? This photo of me sitting in a cat litter box won for "Best Cat House"! (old photo, we no longer use clay litter...)
My FABULOUS prize package arrived last week from Kazoku Neko!!! 
They sponsored the Cat House category. 

Hurry up MOM! Open it!
If you don't hurry I'll open it with myself!
Oh My CATS! Look at all the wonderful prizes! 
I LOVE Cat Dancers! My old one is worn out, so I am SO excited to get this new one!
GREENIES! And in our favorite flavor, chicken!!
This VERY cool kong toy for bunny kicking! LOVE the color!
This fishy with a worm! I have never seen anything like it!
A card with MY name on it!!!
This cool cat that hooks onto Mom's cell phone. We have a friend who is Japanese who collects these, so we know all about these! Mom LOVES it!
So far, I have to say the PINK kong toy is my favorite. 
I have even been sharing with Raymond! (even if he did reveal my nickname is "Bubba"!)

Thanks again for the great prize package! Happy Monday everyone!

xoxo, Busby

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Easy Sunday

Hello friends! To answer your questions, yes, I am a bit smaller than Busby. I was the runt of the litter and he was pretty much the big honking kitten of the litter. I am more svelte and lynx-like than Busby. (his nickname is Bubba, if you get my drift.)

To quote the CFAA "The Tonkinese blends the best features of its ancestors into one beautiful, medium-sized cat that is remarkably dense and muscular."

So Busby is "remarkably dense". Hee hee hee!

Have a wonderful Sunday friends. xoxo, Raymond

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Photo Hunt: Miniature

Hi friends! Today's  theme is Miniature.

I thought a Miniature ME would be a fun take on the theme!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Are you playing the Photo Hunt today? Leave us a linky!

xoxo, Raymond
Pee Ess: I have entered Hansel's Halloween Spooktacular Contest! Please check out my entry HERE and leave a comment if you can. The more comments, the better my chance of making it to the finals! If you are a Star Trek fan, you will love my contest entry! Thanks!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Frootbat Friday

Hello friends! Behold the Mighty Frootbat! 
Don't you think I look handsome in this photo? 
My Mom took this with her iPhone thing.

Hope you are all having a wonderful Friday!  Mom is excited about the baseball playoffs that start tonight.
 We like to watch baseball until Mom starts yelling at the tv, that makes us jumpy! Have a great weekend everyone!

Oh, also, Busby has entered Hansel's Spooktacular Halloween Contest. You can check out Busby's entry HERE. Please go over and leave a comment by Buzz's entry, because the more comments he gets, the more likely it is that he will be a finalist. (we actually read the rules of the contest last night!) I'm planning on entering too, I'll give you the link when I do. Thanks friends!

xoxo, Raymond

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday Garden Stroll

SET LASERS TO STUN! Oh! Hello friends! I was just  checking out Raymond's sock full of Valerian. I HAVE NOT been licking it and rubbing it with my face and drooling all over it for the last fifteen minutes and playing Star Trek. Not me. No way!

Just a few plants are still presentable in the garden these days. Let's stroll!

This is the Bolivian Fushia. It lives in our side yard. It needs ZERO water during the Summer which is good because here in Capitola we don't get any rain in the Summer. Our rainy season usually starts in late October and if we are lucky runs until April or May. 
The Pink Hibiscus is doing great. Pretty soon my Mom will cut it back for Winter. 

In the backyard, two types of Yarrow. This one is called Paprika Yarrow. The butterflies love it. 

This is a Yellow Yarrow. (of course!) The Yarrow does well without much water too. We try to plant things that don't need much water since we live in an area that has seen lot's of drought over the years. 

Some people don't think we get "seasons" here in California, but we do! You can tell by looking at our neighbor's yard that it's Autumn!

Raymond and I want to thank EVERYONE for making our Sixth birthday so lovely! We did a lot of cuddling yesterday. Plus we got some new toy mice! (photos at a later date!)

Thanks for taking the Garden Stroll with us today friends!
Don't forget to visit the other members of the SFG today!

xoxo, Busby